Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Times, They Are A Changin

Oh how times have changed.

When I first had you, things were perfect. Your socks were perfectly folded with his freshly cleaned blankets and perfectly aligned stuffed animals on your spotless bookshelf. Seconds ago, as you were taking a bottle, you seemed a little cold so I covered you...WITH KYLE'S DIRTY CUT OFF T-SHIRT.

Oh how things change when you are finally comfortable with parenthood.

But there's one thing that hasn't changed.

Every night I drive 30 minutes home from work and on the way I have small conversations with myself about that little baby I'm about to see, the little baby I'm on my way to pick up. Every night on my commute home feels like Christmas morning on repeat.

I arrive at daycare and I hurry in and walk straight over to you usually on the floor laughing and playing with a new toy. You see me and your face lights up and a rush of complete contentment overcomes me.

The excitement I feel in that moment and the three hours that follow hasn't changed. We go home and I hold you so tight and walk through the house stopping to stare in every mirror along the way. One of these days you're going to figure out that's us you find hysterical.

I set you on the floor and lay down and tell you about my day and you laugh until you're bored with my day and turn to play with the same toy you've played with since you were 3 months old. I make your dinner and feed you and we read a book or two or three and do puppet shows which you also find hysterical.
You take a bath (and pee in the bath every single time). We read three or four more books, you take your night bottle and reluctantly at 7 pm I lay you down in the crib because I know it's best for you to get a full 12 hours of sleep.

There are many things that change when you finally grow comfortable with parenthood, but one thing that has remained constant is the adoration I have for you.

You are the most beautiful creation I have laid eyes on. Not because you came from me, but because of the way you adapt to every situation, the way you take the world in, the way your face lights up when your dad walks in the house. I understand, he makes me feel that way too.

You are the most beautiful creation because of the way you view the world with intense curiosity. You're beautiful because you haven't yet experienced heartache or disappointment or sadness in life. You're beautiful.

Hey, check out Bob Dylan. You may not always understand what he says, but he wrote some pretty deep lyrics that are still relevant today.

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