Friday, November 30, 2012

So This Happened

So this happened today and the neverending fear the entire ceiling is going to come crashing down contractors in tote continues.

I stared at it for five minutes in disbelief until one of the contractors reassured me.

"Don't worry, we'll fix that," he said.

"Ok," I responded with no emotion.

I knew these things were going to happen. I expected them, but I'm still a little surprised by them. I'm considering not going back to the house until it's done. Then I can just pretend everything went perfectly.

Truth is, I'm beginning to picture Jack playing in the basement while I run on the treadmill. I can see him working on homework in the kitchen nook while I cook. I picture us walking Myles through the neighborhood while the leaves are beginning to turn. This old house is beginning to feel a little more like home regardless of the hole in the ceiling and the completely naked bathroom.

Truth is, I should be really nervous, but this is the most excited I've been since the day we made the offer.

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