Wednesday, September 12, 2012

22 weeks

I held a 6 week old baby today and I simply could not believe how small she was. You have changed so much in 22 weeks.

I'm watching you on the monitor right now. You should to be taking a nap, but you're fighting it. You're staring directly at me like you know I'm watching and you are not happy with me. It's a stand off and you want to PLAY, PLAY, PLAY. You drop your heavy head and lift it back up immediately. I can tell you're fading fast. Wait for it. Wait for it. And you're out. Sleep wins again.
Once you wake up we'll feed you rice cereal and a bottle, give you a bath, read you five stories, play with you some more and by 7 pm you'll be down for the count. 

You before bath time:
After bath time:

You reading books:

You sleeping:
This is a new thing. I've been keeping you up until 8 so I can squeeze in an extra hour, but lately you begin getting cranky around 7. And by cranky, I mean throwing your head into my chest, pulling my hair, squeezing my arm. You are a cranky little monster when it's time to drift away. My cranky little monster. 

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