Saturday, February 2, 2013

Calling all SUSHI lovers, DON'T EAT AT SUSHI CLUB.

I have this friend. She's awesome. She has such a calm, laid back, "everything is good in the world" kind of energy. She puts you at ease instantly. Once a month we get our dogs together to play. I look forward to these afternoons because there is never an agenda. It's so...relaxing. It's like a mini vacation.

This is her dog. She is pretty much the coolest dog I've ever met (besides Mr. Myles & Johnny of course). Loyalty is her strongest attribute.
Oh, yes. My friend uses a wheel chair. That detail is insignificant to me because I never really see the chair, I see an incredible person, but for this story, that detail means something. Because that dog is her SERVICE DOG. They are a team, a really good one at that. That dog, that beautiful black lab is better behaved than several humans I know.

Last week a downtown restaurant asked her if she would mind "not bringing the dog" next time. When my friend explained that the dog accompanied her everywhere they ignored her and began talking to her friend like she wasn't even there. LIKE SHE WASN'T EVEN THERE. This detail outraged me.

So, here's the thing...SUSHI CLUB at 7230 W 10th St Indianapolis, IN 46214...what you did was against the law. And although it may not impact your business directly, I can tell you I love sushi and I will not be dining with you. The person you disrespected would never wish any ill will on you because it's not her style so I'm going to do it for her.

Please, if you're reading this:


And if you just can't stay away. Please bring your dog. Yes. That would be lovely. Take your dog for a nice run in the mud and bring him inside to devour a big plate of sushi.

Sometimes blogs aren't so friendly.

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