Wednesday, January 4, 2012

CVS has a dirty little secret

CVS has a dirty secret they don't want you to know. You know the coupon center you have probably never visited? Yes, this one:
It's spitting out coupons that work on any item in the store. So the coupon says $2.50 off CVS brand cold medicine and you prefer self medicating with wine. Well, it's probably going to work. I have been told by a top secret CVS employee that they will continue to take these coupons until they fix the glitch. So shop up, savers.
And, if you've never visited the coupon center during a visit, what are you waiting for? I understand your overspending ways because I used to be one of you. I have probably thrown away $300 worth of extra care bucks in my near 30 years just because I didn't want the paper in my purse.

By the way, last night, we saved $51.54 on all this:
Our bill was $6 after factoring in ExtraCare bucks. Yes, this blog is called FreakoMOMics for a reason.

1 comment:

  1. This made me want to be patient and learn the fine art of couponing! Thanks!
