Thursday, May 2, 2013

Juice Feast-Not for Sissies

May 2.

Detox-food & social media.

We started a juice feast (not to be confused with a fast). At the moment I'm angry and irritable and all of the other things they said I would be. I have a pounding headache from caffeine withdraw. It's a stunningly beautiful day and I want to crawl into bed and shut the blinds. I feel fine when I'm drinking the juice, but incredibly deflated 2-3 hours after.

My motivation is energy. I need more energy. Our little family has been sick lately and we're sick and tired of being sick and tired (I stole this line).

Here is what I've learned about food. It's not just an act, it's a hobby. It's an activity. We don't do it to survive, we do it as a form of entertainment. I've been a little bored without food dictating my day, but I need to be bored with food. Food needs to be a necessity not an activity.

I have also detoxed from social media. After several texts, calls and e-mails from worried friends, I can assure you everything is ok. My motivation behind the social media detox is simple. I ran into a friend recently and as I was asking her questions I already knew all the answers to, it hit me. We have stopped communicating. No facebook chat, e-mail or text can replace a dinner catching up with an old friend. No tweet exchange can replace an actual hug.

So I suppose I'm headed back to simpler times. Cave man times...Fruit, veggies and face to face communication. It feels pretty nice to toss out a few addictions even if it is just for a little while.

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