Thursday, February 13, 2014

Ready for a Miracle?

This is a story that needs told.

At 2 pm on Monday February 10, Shawn and Sarah made the heartbreaking decision to take their 2-month-old off life support. When the doctors removed the oxygen, only God can explain what happened next.

Carson continued breathing on his own.

One day later Shawn and Sarah decided to take him home which brings us to today.
He is still fighting.
He is still breathing.
His breathing is irregular and occasionally he'll stop breathing on his own for multiple seconds before he starts breathing again. And that is why this story about this tiny 2-month-old miracle needs told.

Carson was born on December 11. Just 15 short minutes later, he stopped breathing. It was downhill from there. After a hospital transfer and several tests later, a spinal tap showed Carson was born with a rare condition called Pyridoxamine Phosphate Oxidase Deficiency. It means he can't process the B6 vitamin which impacts his breathing among a lengthy list of other side effects. There are only 50 known cases in the world.

His short two months have been a rocky medical journey, but there is only one word to describe him: resilient. He has been nicknamed "The Little Fighter."

What advice does his equally resilient mother have for anyone in a similar situation? "Prepare for the worst but hope for the best. That way if the worst happens, you'll have gotten yourself ready emotionally, but if the best happens, you'll be much more happy with the outcome."

If you want to do something good today, donate to this cause. Help pay for 2 months worth of medical bills and the continued medical support for The Little Fighter.

Carson has fought harder than most of us have ever fought and he is thriving. He is doing better at home. And on Valentine's Eve, you have to it love that is keeping him alive?

Click here to help

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