Tuesday, August 14, 2012

This One is for the Dad

This one is for the Dad who isn't afraid to roll up his work sleeves and get a little dirty. This is for the dad who believes that 50% of parenthood falls on his shoulders. The dad who isn't afraid to pick up his 8 week old baby in public and kiss him on the cheeks screaming sounds only a baby would find amusing. It's for the Dad who takes his responsibility of being a father seriously.

This is for the Dad who creatively builds a contraption so his son can hit the buttons on the obnoxious toy he swore he'd never own. The Dad who goes straight to his baby before the garage door hits the ground. The Dad who opens a book and pushes a stroller and changes a diaper.

This is for the Dad who works harder than he ever worked in his life because he wants to build a good foundation for his family. The Dad who works a 10 hour day and then wakes up at 2 am, and then 3 am and then 4:30 am to give his wife a break. The Dad who drops his son off at daycare every single morning because he knows his wife has a hard time saying goodbye.

This is for the Dad who says I love you, I'm proud of you and you mean something to me. It's for the Dad who stepped up to the plate the minute he learned you existed. It's for the Dad who tells your mom he appreciates her.

This one is for your Dad, Jack Peckinpaugh. You're a very lucky kid.

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