Wednesday, August 1, 2012

4-Months Old

     Today was one of those days. I took Jack to his 4 month checkup and as I was sitting in the room waiting for Dr., it hit me. He was 4 months old. 4 MONTHS OLD. He was sitting up in my lap with perfect head control, holding onto my fingers, smiling and cooing. He was 4 months old.
     I immediately envisioned taking him to the park and spinning around as he giggled. I pictured putting him in a wagon and frolicking around the neighborhood waving at the neighbors. I imagined going to Starbucks and sitting with him at a table while all the suits stressfully came in and out demanding espresso and Venti lattes. I imagined this perfect little day with him, my 4 month old. And then I dropped him off at daycare and my daydream came to a halt.
     And then it hit me.
     I don't even have a wagon. There is no way I could spin around with him at the park. It is 110 degrees outside. Taking a 4-month old to Starbucks could easily become a disaster as he knocks over my Venti latte and screams bloody murder when he is ready for a bottle. Although I understand days will exist where I just want to be with my baby boy, I am blessed to have an incredible job with an incredible management team and incredible clients who I can help and brag about Jack.
    I am blessed.
    On my drive home I am feeling accomplished and content and like one of those women who really can do it all...and a cop on a bike pulls me over because I didn't come to a complete stop. One victory at a time. One victory at a time.

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