Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Baby Got Books

It was a rough life growing up the child of a children's librarian. JUST KIDDING. It was completely magical. I had 24-hour access to stacks and stacks and stacks of books, CDs and vinyls.

Until one day I grew out of books.

My mom did what any good mother does. She bribed me. If I wanted TV time, I could earn it through reading. My brother quickly threw in the towel and sacrificed his TV time. He was constantly not participating. What a punk.

I fell for it. I read standing up brushing my teeth, leaning against the counter pouring milk in my cereal, curled up behind my dresser strategically slanted against a corner. I disappeared within the story even when it wasn't good. I even had a book taped to a tree.

I grew in and out of books over the next three decades, but right now, I'm on a huge nerdy book bender. And I'm not ashamed.

Here are 5 books I couldn't put down this summer.

  • Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine
  • Eleanor & Park
  • Everything Everything
  • What Alice Forgot
  • The Nightingale-currently reading

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