Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sunday Thoughts


At the end of the day, the only thing we can control are our actions and our thoughts. Resentment is like poison for our body. First it starts with the mind and then it impacts our body, our health.

Live a life rooted in forgiveness, surrounded by friends and doing things to help others. That is the secret to true happiness. If someone starts to impact your mind in a negative way, try to view this as a life lesson, an opportunity for growth and understanding. Don't drink the poison. Don't wish ill will on anyone. Wish them happiness and success no matter how they treat you. 

This is easier said then done, but if you find a quiet corner and center yourself it may be easier to refocus your mind. 

Go for a run, even if you hate running, go. Your body needs an escape.

Invest yourself in positive actions. Help people. Don't just see two feet in front of your own face. Be aware and step in when someone needs help. Often help is just a simple hello or short conversation where you listen more than you speak. It doesn't have to be building a home, saving a life or  a missions trip to a third world country. 

Be helpful to those around you. Be kind to those who are unkind to you. Start each day focusing on your blessings.

And don't forget to put the toilet seat down.


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