Friday, July 20, 2012

Movie Theaters

Movie theaters. They’re like airplanes. You put your purse under the seat, turn the cell phone off and disappear for 2+ hours. There is something quite refreshing about being out of reach in a cold dark theater with the comfort of your hot butter filled popcorn. Movie theaters have provided a safe haven for escapism during the Great Depression. They get families together on holidays. They’ve been around for a while and they aren’t going anywhere. And one man walks into a movie theater with two loaded guns changes everything about the way we view movie theaters. One man ruins everything.
During the early hours of July 20, a man walked into the midnight showing of Batman in Aurora, Colorado (a Denver suburb) and started shooting. There was no calculation, rhyme or reason. According to eyewitnesses he shot at the ceiling and began to shoot the audience at random. There were women and children. There was a 3-month-old baby. Those people who narrowly escaped death will ever be the same.  
Numbers. They can change everything. Flight numbers changed lives on September 11. And now it comes down to a movie theater number at midnight. It changed everything for 12 people who lost their lives going to the movies.

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