Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Emotionally ready, emotionally unprepared

     There are two points in a marathon that are extremely difficult: the beginning and the end. In the beginning your body has to adapt to a sudden increase in temperature and breathing. Your muscles need to get warm and you have to fall into your stride quickly. The large volume of people around you only add to the difficulty of adjusting. There is also the mental challenge of knowing what lies before you: 4+ hours of pain.
     If you've trained properly, the middle should be a smooth sailing ship. You put one foot in front of the other and the miles fly by.
     In the end of the marathon, the finish line is so close you can almost taste it, but suddenly your body kicks into overdrive. You know the end is near, but it feels as though you may never get there. You're afraid of it being over. People are screaming at you from all sides. You can make it. You're almost there. You trained so hard for it to come down to one day. The miles drag on and you question if you can really make it to the finish line.
     And such is this adventure called pregnancy. The beginning can be bumpy. You are tired. Your body is adjusting to hormonal changes. You may feel weak and you may even be blessed with morning sickness that lasts all day. The middle is smooth. You have more energy. You know what you've signed up for. You know the reward that lies at the end.
     And then comes the end. The "guess date" is near. Your ankles and feet may be swollen. Your back feels like it may snap in half at any given moment. Sleep becomes more difficult by the night and you can envision holding your baby in your arms, but the day feels like it may never arrive. People tell you you can do it. Be strong. Enjoy this time. The end is near. You are emotionally ready. You are emotionally unprepared. Such is life. This marathon has been the most challenging adventure, but by far the most rewarding.

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