Saturday, December 3, 2011

Exercise-my drug of choice

I had a moderately rough first trimester and as I rolled into my second trimester, it hit me. I had sacrificed my sacred 30-45 minute daily workout. Of course I was feeling sluggish and fat, I wasn't doing anything to help my body.
I tried a few boring prenatal yoga DVDs and the women leading the videos talked to me like I was on my death bed. One woman even had an assistant bring her a stool. I never felt challenged. My sister called me early one Saturday morning to tell me about her favorite pregnancy workout DVD: The Perfect Pregnancy Workout.
I immediately put the DVD on hold at the library and five days later it was in my possession. The minute I got home from work I put the DVD in. Karyne Steben is a world-class acrobat formerly with Cirque du Soleil. I knew instantly she wasn't going to take it easy on me. This DVD combines pilates, yoga and strength training. One minute you're doing push-ups and the next minute you're stretching and breathing deeply.
This DVD honestly saved my life. I instantly had more energy. I felt toned, strong and confident. I was no longer tired or nauseous. Moving into month 6, I'm not sure I've ever felt this strong.
I am a firm believer to achieve overall wellness we need to spend time working on our bodies every single day. It has been my drug of choice for years and when I stop taking it, I'm a different person.

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